CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). You have to log in a specific website with an id and password and type small images showing texts on a textbox repeatedly. If you have a good typing skill then this site can be a great opportunity for you. Need just a computer with internet connection. We have various captcha project available. If you work 4/5 hours Daily you can earn a smart income per month. So take a look on our captcha project and contact with us.

Just look the Terms and conditions 

i.                    Use 1 id for 1 browser. Do not use same id in different browser and not use different id in same browser. 
ii.                  You can take more ids in different different browser.
iii.                Type all small letters (Only Myspace captcha type in capital word).
iv.                Do not put space between two words.
v.                  When image not comes press F5 or Refresh and then click Start.
vi.                If image not shown 100% (50% not shown) then write ‘N/A’ only when image not 100% seen otherwise not.
vii.              Never type false or bad work (such as : just type in 1 word, just type ‘kdjfksdjf’ ‘skjfkdjfk’ ‘sdfjsdkjf’) if you done then your id will be lock and you may punished by the server no payment were made against lock id.
viii.            Server will first at night time. Per day (24 hrs) per id minimum entry 500-1000, No payment were count if your entry less then 400. Work properly and regular If you not work 72 hours or if ur id shown idle 72 hrs then all payment were cancel.
ix.                 Rate : 40 (based on your performance). Payment date  10-15 of each month. Payment sent by DBBL or BRAC bank or Hand cash by currier services (service charge applied to worker) 

For more info leave your comment......
While working at Data Entry Jobs sounds like the perfect job, working from home isn’t for everyone. Having said that, it could be just the thing for many people, you just have to assess if you are ready and committed to take on a data entry job and make it a success. The attraction is that it is an amazing alternative to the daily chore of going out to work for someone else.
What is important is that you take a long hard look at your circumstances, your lifestyle, your commitment and your ability to motivate yourself. Don’t just go out and resign your job before you have even tried starting a data entry job. Take a while to ask yourself some basic questions:-
- What are my strengths?
- What are my weaknesses?
- Do I enjoy flexibility?
- Can I plan the family activities so they do not interfere?
- Will my family support my new career?
- Do I have self-discipline?
Decide what your strengths are. There is not one type of person that is just right for this type of work. Everyone has strengths and you need to decide if yours are the ones you need for this kind of work. Some strength that might help in this kind of work could be:-
- You like attention to detail
- You enjoy working on the computer
- You like to work on different projects
- You are dependable
These are just a few to give you an idea. There are so many things that you could consider a strength that would benefit you working from home.
Now take a serious look at your weaknesses. Decide if they will cause a problem or if you can work around them. For instance, you might say that your weakness is that you can’t get up in the mornings. This could be a problem if you schedule your only work time at 8 a.m. but if you schedule your work for the afternoon or the evening then this would not be a problem. This is part of the benefit of working from home – you can decide for yourself how and when you want to work.
How flexible are you? If you are a person that thrives on flexibility then you will especially enjoy taking on different data entry jobs and allowing yourself to work at various times and for varying lengths of time. If you are not a very flexible person (be honest!) then you can still make a great job of this by being more diligent about scheduling your time and also by planning your jobs ahead.
If you are planning to work at a data entry job from home you will have to consider your family. While it is important to set aside time without interruption, it is not realistic to think that the family will never interrupt. There will always be times when you will have to change your priorities. A good discussion with your family outlining what everyone’s expectations are would be a great idea.
Some people just know that they have great self-discipline while others are not sure. If you think you do then you won’t have any problems. If you are not sure, don’t despair. It is amazing where self-discipline comes from when you are interested in what you are doing. Many people find that the mere fact that they are working for themselves is a huge motivating factor. It is a very different feeling from grinding out the work for someone else. You may not have a boss breathing down your neck, but many people are surprised to discover that they will push themselves harder than any boss would have.
It is definitely a good idea to learn about how to prioritize and organize your work. As with any job or home business, there will be jobs that you will really enjoy and jobs that you will want to put off. Take some time to learn some simple routines for organizing such as making lists of things to do that day. Your lists could be split up into priority A and B so that you keep on track each day and stick to the most important tasks.
Organization is important, especially when you work at home. Make sure you have an area where you can sit at your computer and carry out the data entry jobs with everything you need close by. Try to separate your business things from your personal things.
In conclusion I would say that most people could be suited to working from home at data entry jobs if they just take the time to think things through and prepare themselves mentally and physically. The benefits of this kind of work are worth the effort it could take to adapt to this way of life.

There is a software called Super Bluetooth Hack Version 1.07 which you can download and install in your mobile phone in order to "hack" your friends mobile phone.The full functionallity of this software is available only in Sony Ericsson models,however there are plenty of functions supported in other brands.

Follow the steps:

1. Download here the Super Bluetooth Hack V1.07.
2.Unzip the file and send it to your mobile phone.
3.Install the software in your mobile phone.
4.Inquire new devices through the software.
There is a trick in windows  which gives you the opportunity to hide any type of files in a JPG file.
This simple trick can be achieved in few steps:
  • Select the files you want to hide and compress them using winrar, winzip etc...
  • Drag the compressed file and a random picture in the same directory(eg. C:\)
  • Go to Start-->Run and type cmd in order to open the command promt window
  • Go to directory where you have placed the files (type cd.. twice to go to C:\)
  • Type:
COPY /B "name".jpg + "name".zip "new name".jpg

After that process a new jpg file will be crated in C:\ with the name: new name.
If you double click you will see just the image,but if you right click to the file and select extract,your fidden files will be extracted.
It is very simple to hack an administrators user password in Windows Xp!
You don't have to know any password before and you don't have to download any programs.
Just Follow the steps below:
  • Go to Start-->Run and type "cmd" to open the command prompt
  • Type "net user" and press enter to see all the accounts name
  • Type "net user (account name) *"
  • Type the password you want and then confirm it!!

Is your cell phone battery losing power constantly? Have you ever had to stop using your cell phone in the middle of a call because the battery died? Here are a few tips you can use to conserve your cell phone battery's power:

* Turn off the cell phone's backlight. While this may make it harder to use your cell phone at nighttime or in pitch-black situations, most of the time you can easily use your cell phone without it being brightly lit. If you must, change your cell phone's backlight settings so the light goes off after 5 or 10 seconds of inactivity. This way your phone should still be usable at nighttime.

* If you know you're traveling to an area without coverage or with only roaming coverage, consider turning off your cell phone. It can use up a lot of power trying to find a suitable network.

* The less you talk, the less battery power your cell phone will use. Try to limit your conversations until you can get to your home phone.

* Limit your usage of non-voice features such as web browsing and playing cell-phone games. If you have a picture cell phone, realize that taking pictures can eat up battery power, especially if you have flash turned on.
Startup Screen
  1. Create a 320x400 bitmap in the root directory and name it LOGO.SYS
  2. You can use LOGOW.SYS file in the Windows directory as a starter
Logoff Screens
  1. There are many system file that constitutes Lofoff screen.
  2. They are actually bitmaps 320x400 that just have a different extension
  3. The hidden file in the root directory LOGO.SYS is the startup logo.
  4. There are two files in the Windows directory.
  5. LOGOW.SYS is the Wait while Shutting down ... screen.
  6. LOGOS.SYS is the You may now shut-off or Reboot screen.
  7. Make two new image files of your chice in Paint and name it as LOGOW.SYS and LOGOS.SYS and replce the actual windows file by this two.
  8. But make sure they should be of the same size